
At MotaWord we are hard at work in building the world's fastest, professional translation platform. In doing so we use, invent, and better technologies. You may browse through all our features and how we make MotaWord the best translation solution in the market.

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features hero
no subscription

No Subscription

We are only interested in providing you fast and accurate translation service, on-demand. Whenever you need it. No credits to buy. No subscriptions to lock yourself in. No gimmicks.

no minimum fee

No Minimum Fee

We do not believe in minimum fees. You have a translation need and it needs to be done. All projects are equally important for us and there is no job too small for MotaWord. You want to get a 5 word sentence translated into 10 languages at the same time for less than what you would pay a latte? You are at the right place.

smart discounts

Smart Discounts

If your need for translation is ongoing, at a certain volume, and predictable, a corporate account would provide discounted rates in certain language pairs. Get in touch with us to learn more.

Style Guides and Glossaries are created by our experts to make sure your company’s tone of voice remains the same across all documents you need to be translated. MotaWord integrates Glossaries, Style Guides, and Translation Memories in order to maintain consistency and quality over time.

We care the most about the translation quality. The best way to do that is to check our work over and over before we deliver. Translation, editing and proofreading are always included in our quotes.

We keep a Translation Memory for you, free of charge, so you never get charged twice for translating the same text. Our smart TM mechanisms provide language consistency and cost reduction for you – and most importantly, you OWN it. You can access and download it on your dashboard, anytime.


Our Translation Process

Upload Your Document

Upload your document onto our system with just one click to start your order.

translation process

Our professional translators will immediately start working on your project.

quality checking

Before sending a project to the client, our proofreaders give it a thorough review.

download your document
Download Your

Download your translated document from your client dashboard. The document is also delivered to your email address.

The collaborative translation model for us means "a platform where a community of translators can work in collaboration with each other but also with stakeholders such as the client and managers" - we have an article written on how that aspects affect translators. Feel free to read it.

We manage all aspects of your document translations. From automated quotes to your extensive client dashboard, your translation memory, style guides and glossaries. With each project you send to us, we update your translation resources – the more you work with us, the better they become. You own your content, we manage them for you; everything at MotaWord is accessible to you in real-time, 24/7 on your client dashboard.

We value data ownership and transparency at MotaWord. You can access detailed reports about your projects, billings, usage and users in your client dashboard, on-demand, anytime.

RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) is an access control approach that provides access rights based on user roles. Using RBAC will help in securing sensitive data. RBAC helps you to get the most secure service from MotaWord. Get in touch with us to learn more.

feature 2

Specialized Translators

With a global translator base of over: 24 thousand people, a robust, quick, and advanced platform aided by smart algorithms, and our expertise in translation, you are in the right place. Our aim is to delight our clients, who order, inspect, and access high-quality and budget-friendly human translation services worldwide using the collaboration of multiple expert translators.

file formats

File Formats

MotaWord supports many file formats and makes the integration and the use of your translated content easier, saving you valuable time and resources. If we don’t currently support a specific file format, just contact us. We would be happy to implement it for you.



MotaWord supports translation service in over 120 languages. If there is any language you need service in just let us know and we'll work on getting a base of translators for that language and train them. Among its 28 thousand human translators, MotaWord has someone who speaks your language!

certified translation

Certified Translation

We are one of the leading translation providers for USCIS and can deliver your certified translations within hours, rather than days. Certification of your translations is always free of charge.



MotaWord Platform was designed and developed to operate in accordance with the HIPAA requirements. All of MotaWord’s in-house personnel have received HIPAA training. We work with many health care industry clients and ensure HIPAA compliance at different levels. Get in touch with us to learn more.


DTP Services Per Request

We would gladly work with you to format your translated content with a specific layout and design through our DTP Services. We mainly work with InDesign but support other formats as well and we can easily re-create your content in the media of your choice for your target languages. Get in touch with us to learn more.

MotaWord On All Platforms!

With MotaWord integrations, you can access all the translation functionality of MotaWord into your programs or platforms. With our translation API and its helper tools, you can achieve almost everything that you do on.
