Turkish Degree Assessment for Immigration Lawyers
Published on Feb 13, 2024 - Updated on Oct 1, 2024

USCIS Essentials: Turkish Degree Assessment for Immigration Lawyers


Higher education in Türkiye offers a unique and diverse educational experience that stands out when compared and contrasted with the United States. While both countries share a commitment to providing quality higher education, there are notable differences in their educational systems, degree structures, and approaches to academia. Understanding these distinctions is vital for immigration attorneys dealing with clients who hold Turkish degrees and are pursuing opportunities in the US. In this exploration of higher education in Türkiye, we will delve into these distinctions, shedding light on the Turkish educational landscape and its alignment with international standards, particularly those set by the Bologna Process. Additionally, we will delve into the crucial role that MotaWord's academic evaluation services play in assisting immigration attorneys to navigate these complexities effectively.

Understanding Higher Education in Türkiye

Türkiye's higher education system stands out for its diversity, quality, and historical importance. It encompasses numerous universities and institutions, both public and private, providing a wide variety of academic programs. Some of the world's oldest universities, including Istanbul University, established in 1453, reside in Türkiye, enriching the country's cultural heritage with their profound historical legacy.

Ensuring quality in higher education is the responsibility of the Council of Higher Education (Yükseköğretim Kurulu, YÖK). YÖK plays a crucial role in overseeing universities to ensure they meet national and international quality standards, promoting excellence in education and research. The Ministry of National Education of the Republic of Türkiye (T.C. Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı) is responsible for regulating and overseeing education at all levels, from primary to higher education. The ministry develops educational policies, curriculum standards, and teacher training programs, aiming to provide quality education across the country, including public and private institutions. Its role is crucial in shaping Türkiye's education system and ensuring accessibility to quality education for all citizens.

Türkiye actively participates in the Bologna Process, a European initiative aimed at standardizing higher education across the continent. As part of this process, Türkish universities have adopted the three-cycle system of bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees, making their academic qualifications more compatible with European counterparts.

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How to evaluate Turkish Degrees

Higher education in Türkiye follows a well-defined degree structure, which is in line with the Bologna Process, and corresponds to the US academic system. The Turkish higher education system primarily consists of three degree levels:

Bachelor's Degree (Lisans Derecesi):

  • Duration: Typically a bachelor's program in Türkiye lasts for four years (240 ECTS), divided into eight semesters.
  • Description: Bachelor's degrees are offered in various fields, including humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, engineering, and more. Students complete a range of coursework and must usually write a thesis or participate in a senior project.

Master's Degree (Yüksek Lisans Derecesi):

  • Duration: Master's programs in Türkiye usually take one to two years (60-120 ECTS), depending on the program and whether it includes a thesis requirement.
  • Description: Master's degrees offer more specialized knowledge in a particular field of study. They are divided into two categories:
    • With Thesis (Tezli): These programs require students to conduct original research and write a thesis. The research component typically extends the program's duration.
    • Without Thesis (Tezsiz): Non-thesis master's programs focus on coursework and often cater to professionals seeking advanced knowledge in their field.

Doctorate Degree (Doktora Derecesi):

  • Duration: Doctoral programs in Türkiye are designed to be completed in a minimum of four years.
  • Description: Doctorate programs are research-oriented and aim to train scholars and researchers. Students are required to complete coursework, pass qualifying exams, and conduct extensive original research culminating in a dissertation.

Professional degrees in Medicine, Dentistry, and Veterinary Medicine are also offered at Turkish Universities. Additionally, some Turkish universities offer two-year associate degree programs (Önlisans Derecesi) that provide practical skills and can serve as a stepping stone to a bachelor's degree.

Advantages for Immigration Lawyers who Partner with MotaWord

Immigration attorneys dealing with cases involving Turkish degrees can greatly benefit from integrating MotaWord into their legal practice. Here are the key advantages:

  • In-Depth Understanding of Turkish Education: MotaWord possesses specialized knowledge of the Turkish educational system, enabling immigration lawyers to navigate its intricacies effortlessly. This expertise includes a grasp of Turkish degree structures, grading systems, and academic equivalencies, ensuring precise evaluations that align seamlessly with USCIS standards.

  • Efficiency and Promptness: MotaWord's streamlined processes and a team of proficient evaluators can accelerate the assessment of Turkish academic documents. This not only saves attorneys valuable time when preparing immigration applications and accompanying paperwork but also ensures efficiency.

  • Tailored Solutions: MotaWord offers personalized evaluation services, allowing immigration attorneys to choose the level of assessment they require, whether it's a basic review or a comprehensive analysis. This flexibility guarantees that lawyers receive precisely what their clients need for their unique immigration cases.

  • Comprehensive 24/7 Support: MotaWord provides all-encompassing support throughout the evaluation process, from the initial submission of documents to the delivery of the final evaluation report. This assistance covers addressing any inquiries or additional requirements, ensuring a smooth and trouble-free experience for immigration lawyers and their clients.


Evaluating Türkish degrees for US equivalency involves understanding the well-defined degree levels, from bachelor's to doctoral programs. Immigration attorneys dealing with cases involving Turkish degrees can significantly benefit from partnering with MotaWord. We offer specialized expertise, efficiency, tailored solutions, and comprehensive support to streamline the evaluation process, ensuring precision and compliance with USCIS standards, ultimately benefiting both legal professionals and their clients.


Published on Feb 13, 2024

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