academic evaluation for russian diplomas
Published on Jan 19, 2024 - Updated on Oct 1, 2024

Academic Evaluation for Russian Diplomas: Vital Steps in U.S. Immigration


For those holding Russian diplomas, understanding how to navigate the intricacies of academic evaluations in the context of U.S. immigration is crucial. This blog post aims to provide a clear and practical guide to help individuals with Russian degrees decipher the complexities, meet USCIS requirements, and work effectively with immigration lawyers and reliable evaluation services. Join us as we explore the path to successful immigration for Russian diploma holders, where accuracy and compliance are key to a seamless visa process.

Understanding Russian Degrees

Russian higher education comprises a diverse network of institutions striving to offer a wide range of educational opportunities. Admission to Russian universities is highly competitive, with standardized exams like the Unified State Examination (USE), alongside high school grades and other criteria, determining eligibility. Universities are the central part of this system, classified into federal, national research, and regional categories, with federal and national research universities leading in academic and scientific progress. These institutions provide bachelor's, master's, and doctoral programs spanning various fields, with bachelor's programs typically lasting four years, master's programs two years, and doctoral programs extending from three to five years.

Russia also hosts specialized institutions, including technical and medical academies and conservatories, offering focused education in fields like engineering, medicine, and the arts. Accreditation, managed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (Minobrnauki), plays a pivotal role. It involves evaluating aspects such as faculty qualifications, curriculum quality, research, infrastructure, and student support services. Accreditation cycles occur every six years for institutions and every five years for programs, ensuring an ongoing commitment to maintaining and enhancing educational quality.

Required Documents for Russian Degree Assessment

Required Documents for Russian Degree Assessment


How to Evaluate Russian Degrees

Russia uses a conventional three-tier (bachelor, master, doctoral) system that is virtually identical to the US, making evaluations of these diplomas more straightforward. Some complications might arise in determining the US-equivalent field of study however, as differences in language and culture result in unique terms for fields of study that may not easily align with typical fields of study in the US.

Another complicating factor is the Specialist Degree (Dyplom Spetsialista) from Russia. These five-to-six-year programs require completion of secondary education for entry and function as integrated programs combining bachelor- and master-level study into one condensed period of intensive study. As such, they are considered equivalent to US Master’s degrees.

russian diploma evaluation

Russian Diplomas can be very confusing as they tend to be several pages in length and require translation. It can be difficult to determine which document is the actual diploma certificate but the important thing to remember is that a diploma will have some sort of Degree Title on it, along with the name of the beneficiary, the academic institution, and the date of award. Some Russian universities also provide Diploma supplements, which can be invaluable in an evaluation but are typically not acceptable proof of graduation unless submitted alongside the actual diploma.

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An important thing to note about evaluating Russian degrees is that, since the diplomas must be translated into English, the degree titles can appear confusing to those unfamiliar with Russian higher education. For instance, an English translation of the above-mentioned Specialist Degree typically grants a title such as “Qualification of Economist” or “Qualification of Engineer”. Meanwhile, at the Doctoral level, the Diplom Kandidata Nauk is translated into “Candidate of Sciences.”

USCIS Requirements for Russian Degrees

When it comes to USCIS requirements for Russian degrees, several key considerations must be addressed. Firstly, all academic documents, including diplomas and transcripts, should undergo certified translation into English. Furthermore, a necessary step involves obtaining an Academic Evaluation. USCIS also takes into account the accreditation status of the Russian educational institution, favoring those officially recognized in Russia. Proof of authenticity, complete documentation, and alignment with the visa category being applied for are further USCIS expectations. Collaboration with MotaWord, a recognized academic evaluation services provider adds precision and credibility to your practice, leveraging linguistic and academic knowledge and coupling it with your immigration expertise.

Benefits for Attorneys

Attorneys who engage MotaWord's academic evaluation services for Russian degrees stand to gain significant advantages:

  • In-Depth Russian Degree Knowledge: MotaWord's specialized team possesses extensive expertise in evaluating and translating Russian academic credentials. They have an in-depth understanding of the Russian education system, ensuring precise evaluations that align with USCIS standards.
  • Streamlined Evaluation Process: Collaborating with MotaWord simplifies and expedites the academic evaluation process. Their efficient workflow and technology-driven platform not only save attorneys valuable time but also streamline the assessment of Russian academic documents.
  • USCIS Compliance: Attorneys can trust MotaWord to ensure strict compliance with USCIS requirements and regulations. MotaWord's proficiency in foreign credential evaluation guarantees that Russian degrees meet U.S. standards and legal criteria, reducing the risk of application complications.
  • Accurate Certified Translations: MotaWord offers certified translation services, guaranteeing the accuracy of translated documents, including diplomas and transcripts. Precision in translation is paramount for immigration cases, and MotaWord's commitment to quality ensures documents' integrity.
  • Tailored Solutions: MotaWord provides customized solutions to cater to the unique needs of attorneys and their clients. Whether it involves evaluating degrees, transcripts, or other academic documents, MotaWord can adapt its services to suit each case's distinct requirements, offering personalized support and flexibility.


To meet USCIS requirements for Russian degrees and ensure a smooth immigration process, attorneys have to collaborate with reputable evaluation services. For Russian degrees, USCIS requires certified translations of academic documents and an Academic Evaluation from a reputable credentials evaluation service like MotaWord. Attorneys working with MotaWord gain expertise in Russian degrees, streamlined evaluation processes, USCIS compliance assurance, accurate certified translations, and personalized solutions tailored to their clients' unique needs. These benefits simplify the immigration application process and enhance the likelihood of success.


Published on Jan 19, 2024

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